星期二, 6月 12, 2007

Self imprvoement and reflection

After having the RP convention, I really get some useful responses from my audiences. Ms. Su mentioned about that probably I should narrow down my topic agian and focus more on the listening practices part. This is because she said that it was clear to see the effectiveness of the practices of listening during the demonstration of the games.
I think I would talk more about the listening part but I decide that I probably will not give up the reading part in my second and last draft of my RP.


As one kind of multimedia device, video game should not always be considered as the media for violence or meaningless stuff. However, it always uses the language, utterances and discourses which are much more close to our real life. Hence, English games really provide a learning platform for us to practice English reading and listening.

星期三, 5月 09, 2007

about first hand data collection part 2

I would like to use both questionaire and the simple tests after playing games:
Here are the questions for video game players:
1. 三小時以內 2. 五小時以內 3. 八小時以內 4. 超過十小時
1. 是 2. 否
1.是 2.否
1.是 2.否
g. 哪個類型的遊戲會讓您特別有動力去了解不會的字句?
1.RPG 2. 運動遊戲 3. 動作遊戲 4.戰略遊戲

星期五, 3月 30, 2007

how to collect my first hand data

I would like to use questionnaires to get the first hand data. Basically, I would choose NBA Live 2007 made by EA Sports to do the research.
I have not finish the preparation of the questionnaire but my general directions are:

1. I will divide my interviewees into two groups.(people who play games regularly and people who do not have the habit to play video games)
2. If they play games regularly, how much hours do they spend?
3. Before fill out the questionnaire, I would ask them to play game first.
4. Giving them a easy test to exam their language assessment after they play the game.

works cited list

Works Cited
Chung Shih Yu. 鄭時雨.” The Study of Content Design in Applying Playfulness Factors of
Electronic games of Strengthen the Participation and Sustainability of E-Learning,” diss,
U of Yuan-Ze, 2005.
Ellis, Rod. Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford University. 1997. 1-2
Gee, James. “What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy.”
Gomez, Rosa Argentina. “Acquisition and Dynamic Assessment”
Greenfield, Patricia Marks. Mind and Media: The Effects of Television, Video games and
Computers. Harvard University Press: Massachusetts, 1984.

星期二, 3月 20, 2007


As the development of the technology, both learners and instructors would have to face multimedia devices every day. Multimedia devices are very useful and effective in almost every type of fields. For this reason, it is interesting for us to figure out the relationship between using multimedia and English learning. By the way, using multimedia as the assistant of teaching is very effective. Multimedia includes a wide variety of forms. DVD, Video tapes, audio tapes, Television programs, Movies, internet, and even video games are possible media for us to us in learning English. Especially in video game, it has two most important characteristics. They are the power of visualization and audiology. It can have two learning factors which are listening and reading. Additionally, some of them would also have the factor of speaking because some games would have the function of typing. We can play games and converse with other characters in the game at the same time.

星期一, 1月 01, 2007

about my Research Paper

Originally, i would like to work on something retlate to Tourism. After the discussion with teacher, i am going to change it into the field of games.

Thesis Statement:
Playing video games not only can entertain us but also can have the function of language acquisition. As long as we can make good time management on it and prevent people from constant indulgence in play games, it can be considered as one of the effective way of language-learning.
I. Introduction to video games:
A. As the progress of technology, various kinds of platforms of games has been developed and different kinds of games also has been developed such as adventure, RPG(Role Play Games), sports, racing, action, puzzle…etc.
B. Video games provide different types of approaches for us to acquire languages
a. Sounds effects mostly include both visual and audio dialogues for us to know new words, sentences.
b. Several games’ designs are based on the a real movie, comics, novels or even history; hence, we can subconsciously get the cultural knowledge by playing games.
II. What are the positive enforcements of language learning.
I. It is better for students to learn English in a less-pressure and anxiety environment.
II. Games always can draw students’ attention and the motives of learning.
III. Problems of Language Learning through playing games.
Without instructors or older generation’s inspection, it is easy for students to addict to game playing instead of learning.
V. Conclusion: Video games indeed provide us playfulness factors to strengthen and enhance the participation of learning. As long as we can make use of this factors properly, it is very possible that improving our language skills with the assist of playing video games.